This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

3. Introduction to the Bash Shell


Teaching: 60 min
Exercises: min
Learning Objectives
  • Understand how the bash shell relates to the Operating System.

  • Explain when and why command line interfaces should be used.

  • Understand the basics of using the bash shell.


From this point onwards, users should have a working Bash Shell setup!

About Bash

Having explored the basic workflows through EPI2ME, some might realize what EPI2ME can offer is ultimately, limited; and does not fully suit their project/intended use case. And indeed this is the case expected for most GUI programs, especially in bioinformatics. While the use of GUIs make our interaction with computers intuitive and user-friendly, and may be great for those preferring a more visual approach. However they may also be less efficient, and may offer us less control over our systems. Our possible options and settings become limited to the “buttons” available for us to click and press. In some specific niche use cases, GUI programs might not be available at all, or at least in the way we need!

This is where Command Line Interfaces (CLIs) come to the rescue. While CLIs may be less user-friendly and accessible; and possibly daunting to use for the uninitiated. They often offer greater control and efficiency. With CLIs, we are presented a whole combination of commands and parameters to choose from – instead of just being limited to the buttons available with GUIs. With CLIs, we can now also run a variety of even more specialized tools and resources! This can be especially relevant in bioinformatics, where the bulk of tools and programs are usually Command Line Programs rather than GUIs. In fact, as mentioned earlier, even many GUIs based programs are still in essence Command Line Programs in the background, with a “graphical wrapper” placed over them (e.g. EPI2ME and certain workflows in MinKNOW)! These GUI based programs often offer less space for customisation of parameters, with many options hidden from the user – compared to if they were to actually run the actual program or workflow on the Command Line!

For instance, if we were to try running basecalling seperately (via Analysis>Basecalling) after a sequencing run on the MinKNOW UI…

Basecalling on MinKNOW

Compared to trying basecalling seperately using Guppy on the Command Line… And this is just 1/5 of the entire list!

Basecalling on Guppy via CMD

Notice how limited the run options on MinKNOW are compared to the options available on the command line! Most significant might be how there isn’t even an option for read quality score filtering in MinKNOW here (defaults to qScore 10, which theoretically should be enough for most of us, but still…). The options presented on MinKNOW are just the essentials needed – possibly to declutter the screen and make it easier to interact. Whereas on the command line there are so much more options available that one screen is not enough to list all the parameters – and frankly could become a headache to read!

Hence, we can probably now see why we need to use the Bash Shell/Command line – so that we can better tap on the plethora of bioinformatics packages and workflows available out there in the world, and to package them into a workflow more suited to our project/needs! However, this means that we need to learn how to use the Bash Shell/Command Line, and to get familiar with it, before we can do the aforementioned – and which we will get to try later after Lunch in a few exercises and scenarios!!! And therefore this will be the objective of this chapter.


Do note that the intention of this chapter is to not make us experts at using the Bash Shell – 1 Hour is probably not enough! Instead we will be going through the basics of the Bash Shell, and linking it as much as possible to GUIs, such as the Windows Explorer, so that it becomes less daunting for the beginner so that they can start using the other command line based data processing programs we will go thru for the later half of the workshop! To really “git gud” at using the Bash Shell/Command Line will require time, practice, (and google/stackoverflow :p) !!!

In Ubuntu/Linux, the Bash Shell serves as a powerful interface that links seamlessly with the underlying file system, facilitating efficient navigation, file management, and execution of commands and programs. This integration allows users to access, modify, and organize data across the file system hierarchy efficiently. To make life easier for us, I have enabled ourselves to view the files contained within the Ubuntu virtual machine – if the instructions under the [setup] page has been followed succesfully.

Lets look at the parallels between the Ubuntu Bash Shell and what we can see within Windows File Explorer (I don’t have a Mac, so I can only show Windows images here. But the concept should be the same! And the lab Nanopore Workstation computer is setup for Windows 11 and Ubuntu via WSL2 anyway so… :p). To look at the files and folders in the existing directory, we can use the command ls in the terminal.

User: ~$ 
User: ~$ ls 

In the example terminal above, the first line shows only a prompt, which indicates the shell is waiting for an input. The second line shows what we should see when we type in the command ls, where “User” would be whatever username you entered when you first setup the Ubuntu shell – it is like the username of the account currently accessing the shell!


Take note not to type the prompt into the terminal (the User$ portion)! Only type in the portion that follows after the $. This can be something to take note of when we copy and paste commands we find or Google on the internet!

Try it!

Open a shell window and type two commands, one at a time: First, type lsEnter. Then type ls -X -AEnter. Do you see any differences between the output of the two commands?


The ls -X -A command may show some additional files that begin with a ., and sorts the output in Alphabetical order. The -X flag tells ls to sort the output alphabetically by entry extension, while the -A flag tells ls to list (almost) all the files, whether they are hidden or not.

Now, try ls --help!

And lets try changing our current directory using the command cd!

Basecalling on Guppy via CMD

On the left is the Ubuntu terminal, where we can see the output from the commmand ls -X -A (not ls here!), and on the right we can see the files and folders available in the same directory where ls was entered, viewed from the windows file explorer. Notice the similarities between the two! In the Ubuntu terminal, folders are highlighted in blue, while the other files are highlighted in white (note other colors exist for other file types, just not shown here!)!

Default Commands and Structure

Note that by default ‘ls’ alone does not show files and entries starting with “.”. You can try it for yourself! To show everything, we should use the flag (options/parameters/switches) -a or --all. To view all the available flags for a specific command/program, we can include flags like -h or -H or --help right after the command.

Flag conventions: - versus --

Flags are like the options or parameters we can apply when running a program. They are usually indicated by a leading - or --, where - flags usually use a single letter which can be upper or lower-case (like -h or -H), whereas -- flags usually use words (like --help). By common convention, one letter flags can be combined, so we can actually use ls -XA instead of ls -X -A in the example in the picture above to get the same results! However, note that these conventions are not rules, and can/are often violated. They depend on the person who built the command/program/package!

From the example command ls -X -A, we can observe a structure that almost all commands/entries into the terminal should follow.

  1. The first portion is the command (like the program or function we want to run)
  2. Next is the flag(s) (aka options/switches for the command/program)
  3. Followed by an argument(s) (not shown here). This tells the command where and what to operate on, e.g. a specific file or folder) Note that both flag(s) and argument(s) are referred to as parameters. A command can usually be called with more than one flag and argument! But a commant doesn’t always need an arugment or flag! Also, take note of the space(s) between commands and parameters, where necessary!

Now, lets look deeper at the file system on the Ubuntu terminal vs the Windows File Explorer, in relation to what we just did.

For example, the structure of a file system looks like this:

File System Structure

The left side depicts what one might see at each stage of their file system from the Ubuntu Terminal, while the right side depicts the file system at each layer.

Starting form the top is the root directory that holds everything. This is indicated by the leading slash / in user:/$.

Inside the root directory contains several other directories, such as bin (where some build-in programs are stored) and home (where users’ personal directories are stored). In the image above, only one user exists in this Ubuntu virtual machine.

Going into /home and inside the user directory (linzy in the example above) is usually the default working directory when we first launch or open an Ubuntu terminal. This location and its downstream folders is where we will usually be storing our data, or running and installing commands from. This location is indicated by the ~ in the prompt user:~$.

Slashes, spaces and other characters.


Notice that there are two meanings for the / character. When it appears at the front of a file or directory name, e.g. /home it takes reference to the root directory. When it appears inside a name or directory, it separates directories, or files from upstream directories, e.g. /home/linzy seperates linzy from home and root. This is why we usually cannot use / (and certain other characters) when naming files and directories.


The use of spaces when naming files and folders, especially in a command line interface setting is usually discouraged, as spaces are usually used to seperate commands from flags and arguments. To seperate words in a file name or folder, people usually use a combination of letters (e.g. upper and lower cases, e.g. PohLab), or characters such as - and _. However this does not mean spaces can’t be used! Just that to name the folder or file, we will now need to include quotation marks " " to name them, e.g. for a file name Poh Lab, we will now need to type it in as "Poh Lab" in the terminal. You should be able to try this later!

Basic Commands and Shortcuts

Now that we have a basic understanding of what the Bash Shell is, and how it relates to the file system and what we see on GUIs such as the Windows File Explorer, we can move on to some basic commands and shortcuts that you might commonly need to encounter in your line of work.

Useful Flags to Take Note

-h or -H or --help: Used to show a list of possible parameters for a command. If unsure of what a command/program does, this should be one of the first things you type in behind the command!

Powerful Commands We Might Want To Avoid For Now

Deleting is Forever!!!

  • rm: “Remove”, Remove a file/folder The Shell does not have a trash bin for us to recover data that we have deleted, accidentally or not! When we delete files, they are gone for good (almost)! If not confident with the shell when deleting stuff, just delete from the windows explorer! Else we can add the “interactive” flag -i to rm, e.g. rm "filename" -i, which will ask us for confirmation before we delete each file!

Copy and Moving Files and Folders

  • cp and mv: Copy and Move files from one location to another, from the command line alone. E.g.:
cp abc.txt folder/abc.txt #copies the file "abc.txt" from the current directory to a folder called "folder"
cp abc.txt folder/def.txt #copies the file "abc.txt" from the current directory to a folder called "folder", while also renaming it to "def.txt"
mv abc.txt folder/def.txt #MOVES the file "abc.txt" from the current directory to a folder called "folder", while also renaming it to "def.txt"

Do be careful when specifying the target file name, since mv will silently overwrite any existing file with the same name!. If not confident with the shell when copying or moving files, just do so from the windows explorer! Else likewise, additional flag, mv -i (or mv --interactive), can be used to make mv ask you for confirmation before overwriting.

Other Commands



Pitfalls to Avoid

Be careful when directly copying and pasting commands directly from the internet .e.g from forums! This is because depending on the font/languages etc and how the webpage is rendered, certain characters can look very much alike like another character, yet mean something completely different, and someone might type the wrong character accidentally! And if we directly copy and paste, we might not be able to see it! One example might be “-“ vs “–”.

  • -: “-“, one dash.
  • : “–”, two dashes!

Notice how they might look similar, depending on the font and how the page is rendered, sometimes it can be very difficult to tell them apart.

Create a Directory in User’s Home for this Workshop

Create a directory named “ngs_workshop” within the User’s home directory.


cd ~ #to direct us to the User Home directory
mkdir ngs_workshop

Using a For Loop, list the name of each file within the User’s Home directory

Instead of using ls, use a for loop along with what we have learnt so far, as well as the help of google (or ChatGPT, as long as you understand what you’re typing lol); to iterate the name of each folder in the User’s Home Directory.


cd ~ #to direct us to the User Home directory
for file in ./*
  echo $file

Absolute vs Relative Paths

Starting from /home/user/ngs_workshop/, which of the following commands could one use to navigate to the home directory, which is /home/user?

  1. cd .
  2. cd /
  3. cd /home/user
  4. cd ../..
  5. cd ~
  6. cd home
  7. cd ~/ngs_workshop/..
  8. cd
  9. cd ..


  1. No: . stands for the current directory.
  2. No: / stands for the root directory.
  3. Yes: Obviously…
  4. No: this goes up two levels, i.e. ends in /home.
  5. Yes: ~ stands for the user’s home directory, in this case /home/user.
  6. No: this would navigate into a directory home in the current directory if it exists.
  7. Yes: unnecessarily complicated, but correct.
  8. Yes: shortcut to go back to the user’s home directory.
  9. Yes: goes up one level.


For the chapters after lunch, we will be making extensive use of the Bash Shell to run various bioinformatics tools. While most of the tools are simple enough without much dependencies (on other libraries and packages etc.) and can be easily installed using a single line of sudo apt and pip install etc., there are also many other packages with many dependencies that could cause issues when not handled properly. For these tools, we can make use of package managers such as Anaconda to handle these installations.

If you do not have Anaconda installed on your system yet, we will need to install it here first. Here, we will be installaing Miniconda – a minimal installation of Anaconda, which is much smaller and has a faster installation, allowing us to install it in just a few minutes during this workshop!

cd ~
curl -O

Follow through all the prompts and press (and hold) the Return/Enter etc for the Terms of Use, and enter Yes as appropriate!

The whole installation should take less than 5 minutes. [setup]: