This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

NGS Data Processing for POH Lab

This website is a supplement to a quick crash course for NGS data processing, with a focus on Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT). This workshop is designed for POH Lab, and primarily targeted at users with minimal to no experience and background in bioinformatics and NGS data processing. The contents, tools and packages used in this workshop are widely available on the internet, and are curated here with the intention that anyone should be able to run them on any computer, regardless of compute power.

In this workshop, we will briefly go through the setting up of a run on a MINion Sequencing Device with Flongle Adapter, through the MinKNOW UI. We will highlight the main parameters affecting the sequencing run which users will want to take note of to maximise their throughput and data quality. We will briefly demonstrate how the EPI2ME platform provided and maintained by ONT can be used for simple workflows, such as for plasmid De novo assembly, and custom alignment to a known reference seqeunce.

Thereafter, we will go through a (very very) quick and basic crash course on using the Bash Shell, and highlight some simple commands which new users should get to know. This will be followed by a quick segment on how we can visualise data output from EPI2ME earlier, such as through the IGV viewer. And we will end with an introduction to methods for Multiplexing, Quality Checks, Variant Calling workflows, and Genome Assembly workflows through two example excercises.

It is hoped that through this quick and basic workshop, new users will be able to better understand, analyze and make use of NGS data – especially from the ONT platform; so as to aid them in their experiments.



This lesson also assumes some familiarity with biological concepts, including the structure of DNA, nucleotide abbreviations. While no experience with the bash shell is required, a little prior coding experience is recommended – for ease of understanding.

Having a working bash shell along with the packages in “” installed prior to the workshop is recommended to speed things up.


Time Topic Learning Objectives
Before start Setup
09:00 1. Introduction
  • Understand how to setup a Nanopore sequencing run
  • Understand the format of ONT sequencing data
  • Understanding NGS data processing
09:30 2. EPI2ME
  • Learn the methods available to process ONT data.
  • Processing ONT data in the simplest manner with GUI programs from ONT.
10:00 3. Introduction to the Bash Shell
  • Understand how the bash shell relates to the Operating System.
  • Explain when and why command line interfaces should be used.
  • Understand the basics of using the bash shell.
11:00 Lunch Break
  • Have a break and refresh up for the more complicated upcoming part!
12:00 4. Visualising Processed Data
  • Methods to visualise processed data from EPI2ME and bash shell programs.
  • Understanding the processed data.
13:00 5. Barcoding and Decoding
  • Why do we barcode samples?
  • Understand how to barcode samples prior to sequencing
  • Understand how to decode sequenced data for downstream processing
14:30 6. Quality Check
  • Perform QC on sequenced data.
  • Perform filtering on sequenced data.
15:00 7. Variant Calling
  • Understand how to perform variant calling.
16:30 8. Assembly
  • Understand how to assemble an unknown sequence from scratch.
18:00 Finish